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inside my brain with maggie Jun 24, 2024


As discussed in last week’s Inside My Brain, I expected a very quiet trading week.  And it was quiet without much drama.   We are in a ‘No-Man’s Land’ – a lull between the major earnings announcement seasons.  The announcements will pick up in the 2nd and 3rd week of July. Expect more Market volatility at that time.   We have now seen most of the disrupting economic news announcements for the June.  And as you can see the daily movement of prices was small even though we saw high average volume.






It was a very good week for me.  While I prefer to trade in a quiet Market, I also love when the Market turns on a dime and goes down hard.  I make some of my greatest percent returns mostly because of increased implied volatility.  My goal this week is to increase my Portfolio by 10%.


This is the last week of the 2nd Quarter 2024.  When I first started trading options, I wasn’t sure how and where I made my best returns.  Now I have a very clear picture because at the end of each quarter, I analyze all my trades matching the percent returns with how the market looked, what was going on politically and economically.  That knowledge will allow you to become a much better trader over time.

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I will be analyzing my personal trading with all the variants I use.

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